Kateřina Šilhavá

Our beautiful new offices and perfectly arranged company operation is thanks to her. Don’t be fooled by first impressions. Kateřina (Katka for short) can be very assertive. In addition to that, she’s also a great cook. Come to see for yourself at one of our BBQ parties.

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Excellent cook

What did Katka reveal about herself?


My heart has always been drawn towards the culinary arts, but grammar school was a clear choice. I always enjoyed studying languages, and so I continued studying International Relations at the University of Economics. Then I was attracted by marketing, and finished my studies by graduating from the Faculty of Business Administration. Now, when I care about business operations and communication, I am quite happy that my academic years were so varied.


I started my marketing career during my studies, when I was involved in the Bitters chewing gum’s brand communication activities. As a fresh diploma holder, I started working for Huatech. Since the guys found out that besides marketing I also manage accounting, logistics, and overall business administration, my agenda has become much wider today.